Linggo, Disyembre 11, 2011

#1 A Tool of Appreciating Life

Each student is  inclined to a certain academic discipline where the individual's interests are catered. Everyone aims to expand their knowledge in the specific area of study they chose whether it may be Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Sciences etc. and as part of reaching this aim disciplinary writing was brought into the table to widen the scope of knowledge in each discipline through research works.

But what is Writing in the discipline anyway ? Is it a writing activity where you are timed, given with a checklist what to do? Would somebody spank, slap or give us a disciplinary action whenever we we write the wrong thing or in we write in a wrong way? Or putting those two together?

Definitely no, writing in the discipline is still a good avenue for us who put our heart on writing to pen down what we know and discovered but in a more objective, concise and substance-focused manner. 

Writing in the discipline is with no difference in other academic writing outputs in structure. It follows a step by step writing process with accordance to the writing rules and guidelines. It is an organized formal writing where critical thinking, proper use of language, parallelism, coherence are applied like any writing activity. The characteristic which made writing in the discipline different form others is it focuses on a certain area of study. For example in our discipline as English majors we are opt to produce outputs in accord with our field. It is merely about linguistics, literature and its application to human life in a broader sense.This would give us a grasp of the field we are starting to engage with.

Writing in the discipline may be restricted in many ways in the sense that you would present a well-examined information  not an opinionated one. Thus, it would hinder us to fully express our own thoughts on it but advantageously it would open our minds to a more rational way of thinking and assessing things.

Written outputs of  writing in the discipline differs depending on the discipline we are into.Individuals who are into Business field would write about how Online Publishing improves market sales while we English majors may write about Online Publishing's impact to printed journalism. Bearing the fact that disciplines are inter-related to each other,  writing in the discipline could have the same founding topic but it varies gradually as it stretches out to life's application.

Since academic disciplines are highly structured and readily available to researchers ,writing in the discipline introduces us to the world of research and it places us to an arena where we can engage with the latest trends and discoveries in the field of research.

Sometimes I think that disciplinary writing may be considered an activity that will imprisoned us to a smaller scope of  learning but later i realized it gives us an opportunity to widen our knowledge and understanding in a narrowed area of study so that we can have a greater control on that field and we could use that as an effective tool in addressing the problems concerning our discipline.

For me, as English major writing in the discipline is making use of writing skills in improving our discipline and opening more doors of knowledge that will make us appreciate more the essence of our discipline in the society and in our day to day living.

Martes, Disyembre 6, 2011

It's not Yet Too Late

Technology became indispensable part of human existence now a days, you can see technology everywhere. When i was a high school student, I tried to keep updated of the useful trends. I did expose myself to social networking . Cellphone became my best friend. Surfing in the internet became a must for me especially with regards to my studies. I have the feeling that although I don't have the financial capacity to provide myself with the latest hi-technological devices, I still had the chance to learn how to use it beneficially to me. This boost my self-esteem in some ways and gives me an assurance that by all means I still have the ability to survive in this world of technology. At that point, that was enough for me.

As I reached college, I realized that I am not really up into technology as what i have thought before. Our teachers introduced online stuffs that I never encountered in my high school life. We never experienced blogging, learning in an online environment like MOLE, having quizzes online etc. At first, I was amazed and a bit curios on how to do that for it seems advantageous to our part. It would surely be fun and exciting.

With that realization in mind, I felt blessed to have the chance to be able to grapple this methods of learning in my student life. Although it was a bit late to know about this but at least i had the chance to know this and eventually learn more by this and be more prepared as I will graduate in college. 

Many students will consider doing this stuffs as waste of time or such but for me it is one of the best opportunities of students to grab where you can learn more and be able to connect with the rest of the world.

Indeed, this is a challenge for me to cope with this as a first timer in these stuffs but I know i can do this. I am thankful to our mentors for giving us another avenue to learn where more doors of opportunities awaits us. This may be late to get into this but it's not yet to late to cope up with others.